Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Sikh and Punjabi Studies, (Re-)Building Punjab: Political Economy, Society and Values.

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

We are very pleased to invite you to UCSC's next conference in Sikh and Punjabi Studies, (Re-)Building Punjab: Political Economy, Society and Values.

The URL for the conference, with abstracts, registration information, and other details, is athttp://ihr.ucsc.edu/rebuilding-punjab

Hoping to see you in Santa Cruz

Professor Nirvikar Singh and Dr. Inderjit N. Kaur, Conference Organizers

Program Summary

Friday, March 29

Session 1: Sikh Values and Punjab Society in Historical Perspective
Presenter: Prof. Pashaura Singh, Religious Studies, UC Riverside
Discussant: Dr. Harpreet Singh, South Asian Studies, Harvard University

Session 2: A Case Study of Sikh Diaspora Philanthropy in Punjab
Presenter: Prof. Verne A. Dusenbery, Anthropology, Hamline University
Discussant: Prof. Supreet Kaur, Economics, Columbia University

Session 3: Punjab Politics and Society
Presenter: Prof. Pritam Singh, Accounting, Finance and Economics, Oxford Brookes University
Discussant: Prof. Jugdep S. Chima, Political Science, Hiram College

Session 4: The Punjab Economy: Problems and Prospects
Presenter: Prof. Lakhwinder Singh, Economics, Punjabi University
Discussant: Prof. Nirvikar Singh, Economics, UC Santa Cruz
Dinner & Lecture: Reflections on the Columbia/UC Santa Barbara Punjab Summer Program
Prof. Gurinder Mann, Religious Studies, UC Santa Barbara

Saturday, March 30

Session 5: Groundwater in Punjab: Environmental Challenges
Presenter: Prof. Rajinder Singh Sidhu, Punjab Agricultural University
Discussant: Prof. Upmanu Lall, Engineering, Columbia University

Session 6: Punjab's Ethical Soundscapes: From Asa ki Var to Dhadi Var and Hip HopPresenter: Dr. Inderjit Kaur, Music, UC Santa Cruz
Discussion and demonstration: Mr. Mandeep S. Sethi, Hip-hop artist
Session 7: Lunch Panel: Punjab’s Future – What’s to be Done?
Dr. Narinder Kapany, Sikh Foundation
Dr. Ajit Singh, Artiman Ventures and Stanford University
Mr. Michael Singh, Filmmaker

Friday, 1 March 2013

“Dialogues with/in Sikh Studies: Texts, Practices and Performances” (May 10-12, 2013)

3rd Dr. Jasbir Singh Saini Endowed Chair in Sikh Studies Conference
“Dialogues with/in Sikh Studies: Texts, Practices and Performances”
(May 10-12, 2013)



The main purpose of this conference is to explore interdisciplinary approaches, resulting from academic inquiries into Sikh texts, as well as the practices that surround them and their performance. The dialogues to be explored are made possible by the environment of the university, which serves as a place where scholars from many fields and disciplines come together to pursue critical inquiries and comparisons. In many ways the Sikh community has been very supportive of academic inquires – though, at times, they have voiced outright criticism. Our hope for this conference is to provide a forum that focuses on how academic discussions and those arising in the community at large can complement one another, rather than being at odds

8. “The Textual History of the Dasam Granth Sahib”

Dr. Kamalroop Singh, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

W.H. McLeod (1979/2007) states that ‘Research on the Dasam Granth has been very 

limited, with the result that most of the major questions which it raises cannot be 

answered at present.’ The previous research has been limited to the examination of its 

poetry, with the exception of one detailed study of Dasam Granth manuscripts (Jaggi 

1966). Very little research has been undertaken on the development of the Dasam 

Granth (DG) in the lifetime of the Tenth Guru, and therefore this paper addresses this 

gap. This paper begins with an examination of the editing and dating of primary 

sources, so that an accurate chronology can be constructed of the textual history. This 

has been explored in reference to late seventeenth and eighteenth century hagiographies

which are examined alongside several extant seventeenth century DG manuscripts; and 

with supplementation from later secondary sources. A major development in the textual history 

of the DG was its standardisation and subsequent printing in 1897, however 

some original manuscripts contain extra ‘apocrypha’ which are absent from the printed 

edition. The compositions in the standard version of the DG will be discussed, along 

with new translations and discussion of the ‘apocrypha.’ By re-examining the earliest 

sources, it is clear that the Scripture of Guru Gobind Singh was compiled in his Court. 

The juxtaposition against later sources brings the modern Singh Sabha theory that the 

compilation of the DG was compiled by Bhai Mani Singh into question.

UCSC Conference in Sikh and Punjabi Studies, March 29-30‏

UCSC Conference in Sikh and Punjabi Studies, March 29-30‏
University of California, Santa Cruz

The conference program is below.

For logistical details, please contact Courtney Mahaney, Institute for Humanities Research, UCSC. Hoping to see you here in Santa Cruz
Regards,Professor Nirvikar Singh and Dr. Inderjit N. Kaur, Conference Organizers

Friday, March 29
Presenter: Prof. Pashaura Singh, Religious Studies, UC Riverside
Discussant: Dr. Harpreet Singh, South Asian Studies, Harvard University
Presenter: Prof. Verne A. Dusenbery, Anthropology, Hamline University
Discussant: Prof. Supreet Kaur, Economics, Columbia University
Discussant: Prof. Jugdep S. Chima, Political Science, Hiram College
Discussant: Prof. Nirvikar Singh, Economics, UC Santa Cruz
Prof. Gurinder Mann, Religious Studies, UC Santa Barbara

Saturday, March 30
Presenter: Prof. Rajinder Singh Sidhu, Punjab Agricultural University
Discussant: Prof. Upmanu Lall, Engineering, Columbia University
Presenter: Dr. Inderjit Kaur, Music, UC Santa Cruz
Discussion and demonstration: Mr. Mandeep S. Sethi, Rapper
Dr. Narinder Kapany, Sikh Foundation
Dr. Ajit Singh, Artiman Ventures and Stanford University
Mr. Michael Singh, Filmmaker

Session 1: Sikh Values and Punjab Society in Historical Perspective
Session 2: A Case Study of Sikh Diaspora Philanthropy in Punjab
Session 3: Punjab Politics and Society
Presenter: Prof. Pritam Singh, Accounting, Finance and Economics, Oxford Brookes University
Session 4: The Punjab Economy: Problems and Prospects
Presenter: Prof. Lakhwinder Singh, Economics, Punjabi University
Dinner & Lecture: Reflections on the Columbia/UC Santa Barbara Punjab Summer Program
Session 5: Groundwater in Punjab: Environmental Challenges
Session 6: Punjab's Ethical Soundscapes: From Asa ki Var to Dhadi Var and Hip Hop
Session 7: Lunch Panel: Punjab’s Future – What’s to be Done?